Remove Mineral Deposits From Shower Heads & Faucets | HomeZada

Remove mineral deposits from shower heads & faucets

Remove mineral deposits from shower heads & faucets

The water pressure in your shower heads and faucets can be significantly reduced because of mineral deposits that accumulate over time. This becomes a frustration for everyone in the family. Perhaps more importantly, these mineral deposits can discolor the water and be included in the water that you use for showers, baths, and other cooking and drinking purposes. Be sure to keep your home healthy by removing these mineral deposits in your shower heads and faucets.

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Clean shower head from mineral deposits

Remove the shower head either by unscrewing it with your hand, or use a pair of channel locks to grip the shower head.  Soak the shower head is some white vinegar and brush off the lime and other deposits.

You might also need a toothpick to get out any deposits that are in the small holes where the water comes out.  Here is a great video from Howcast that quickly shows you how to do it.



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